IM 2011, Spring 2018 (106-2)

Programming for Business Computing

Instructors: Ling-Chieh Kung and Hsin-Min Lu

College of Management

National Taiwan University


About this Course

For those who still ant to ask for a registration code or audit this course, please complete this new form by 23:59, 2018/2/28.

In recent years, information technology (IT) has transformed the way people do commerce and business. Some obvious examples are online channels, digital marketing, automatic replenishment, program trading, display advertisement, social networking sites, business analytics, just to name a few. Understanding the capability of IT obviously brings in huge advantage to a business decision maker: Either you do it by yourself when you are junior, or you know who are the right people to delegate to when you are senior. Being able to communicate with (or even lead) IT people is also critical.

In this course, we will introduce how to write computer programs for business computing. We cannot make you a software engineer, who build software products to sell to consumers. Instead, we plan to enable you to write programs to facilitate your own works (e.g., analyze a huge data set that cannot be done with MS Excel). More importantly, you will know how a computer program works, the ways computer scientists and software engineers think, and how to leverage IT to bring in competitive advantages to your organization and yourself.

The programming language we will introduce is Python, one of the most popular and powerful high-level programming language nowadays. The language Python is just something that facilitates the delivery of the principles of computer programming. What really matter are the conceptual principles, not the syntax or rules. Our objective is not to teach you how to write Python programs; we want to make you be able to learn other programming languages (like R, SAS, Javascript, etc.) in the future.

This is an elective course for everyone. If too many students want to take this course, students in the college of management has the highest priority. We do not assume any background in computer programming, and there is no prerequisite for this course. Auditing is welcome if and only if the classroom is not full. This course is taught in Chinese.

Note. To accommodate as many students as possible (and improve the learning quality), most lectures will be given in online videos made by the instructors. Please pay attention to the related notes in the syllabus.

Basic information

  • Ling-Chieh Kung (孔令傑): lckung(AT); Room 413, Management Building 2.
  • Hsin-Min Lu (盧信銘): luim(AT); Room 509, Management Building 2.
Teaching Assistants
  • 資管碩二 陳妍秀: r05725037(AT)
  • 資管碩二 張鑑霖: r05725034(AT)
  • 資管碩一 彭毅軒: r06725038(AT)
  • 資管碩一 薛光佑: r06725049(AT)
  • 資管碩一 方心成: r06725045(AT)
  • 資管五 吳沛璇: b02208031(AT)
  • 資管四 鄭允頎: b03705051(AT)
  • Lectures: 9:10-12:10 pm, Monday; Room 104, Management Building 2.
  • Labs (option 1): 6:25-9:05 pm, Wednesday; Room 103, Management Building 1.
  • Labs (option 2): 6:25-9:05 pm, Thursday; Large Computer Room, Management Building 1.
  • TA's office hour: 12:20-2:10 pm, Friday; Room 101, Management Building 1.
  • Allen Downey, Think Python 2. Available at here.
On-line resources
  • To check grades and download materials: CEIBA.
  • To watch lecture videos: coursera.
  • To submit homework: PDOGS.
  • To discuss: Piazza.


For a detailed description about this course, including course policies, grading rules, tentative schedules, etc., please see the syllabus. Whenever there is an update, a new version will be posted with a short note describing the update.

Post Syllabus Notes
2018/1/6 Link The initial plan
2018/2/24 Link The plan at the beginning of this semester
2018/2/24 Link How we run this course

Lecture materials

Week Topic Videos
All lecture videos for Part 1 are at Coursera: Programming for Business Computing in Python (1)
1 Introduction Weeks 1 and 2 in the Coursera course
2 Computers and Conditionals Week 3 in the Coursera course
3 Conditionals and Iterations Week 4 in the Coursera course
4 Lists Videos 1 to 3 of Week 5 in the Coursera course
5 Applications of Operations Management Videos 4 to 12 of Week 5 in the Coursera course
6 No class (national holiday) N/A
7 Midterm Exam 1 N/A
All lecture videos for Part 2 will be at Coursera: Programming for Business Computing in Python (2)
8 Functions Week 1 in the Coursera course
9 Strings Week 2 in the Coursera course
10 Data Structures Week 3 in the Coursera course
11 Applications in Finance Week 4 in the Coursera course
12 Midterm Exam 2 N/A
All lecture videos for Part 3 will be at Coursera: Programming for Business Computing in Python (3)
13 Classes and Plotting Weeks 1 and 2 in the Coursera course
14 Graphical User Interface Week 4 in the Coursera course
15 Guest Speech N/A
16 Applications in Marketing and/or Accounting TBA
17 No class (national holidy) N/A
18 Final project presentations N/A



Problems Solutions


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