![]() (Photograph by Wilson Tien) |
TSAY, Yih-Kuen (蔡益坤)
Mail: No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 106, TAIWAN |
This Web page describes my teaching duty and research effort as a faculty member in the Department of Information Management at NTU. If you have any questions or requests, please email me. By the way, here is My Public Map of the Web.
Last modified on September 2, 2024
During a usual academic year, I teach the following courses (some seminars/projects excluded; click on the title for course info., notes, slides, old exams, etc.):
Note: I expect to be on sabbatical leave for the spring of 2025. Email me if you wish to know about the plan for a companion course to Software Specification and Verification that is offered sometimes: Automatic Verification.
My research interests include Formal Verification, Temporal Logic, Automata Theory, Software Security, and the Semantic Web.
For the formal verification community, my group has developed a graphical interactive tool for omega-automata and temporal logic, called GOAL. It has a companion tool called Büchi Store, a Web-based open repository of ω-automata.
To know more about my research activities, please visit the website of my group SVVRL (Software Validation and Verification Research Laboratory).
Below is a list of my selected publications, among which the LICS 1996 paper won the 2016 LICS Test-of-Time Award. For links to the full text, please visit DBLP or Google Scholar.