======Algorithms, Fall 2023====== This course provides an introduction to the design and analysis of computer algorithms, with a particular emphasis on the use of **principles of mathematical induction** in designing algorithms. Its goal is to acquaint the students with basic computer algorithms and their design principles and to cultivate the students' ability in designing and analyzing algorithms independently. =====Announcements===== * 01/03: grade report corrected again. * 2024/01/01: grade report corrected. * 12/27: grade report available (corrected 2024/01/01 and 01/03); please send inquiries/requests, if any, to the instructor by 2PM 12/29 (Fri.). * 12/13: slides from TA sessions: {{courses:alg2023:alg2023hw8_s.pdf|HW#8}}, {{courses:alg2023:alg2023hw9_s.pdf|HW#9}}. * 12/11: {{courses:alg2023:alg2021final_s20221215.pdf|Suggested Solutions to Final 2021 Problems}}. * 12/05: {{courses:alg2023:hw10.pdf|HW#10}} due on 12/12. * 12/05: notes/slides for NP-Completeness available. * 12/05: notes/slides for Reduction available. * 12/04: slides from TA sessions: {{courses:alg2023:alg2023hw6_s.pdf|HW#6}}, {{courses:alg2023:alg2023hw7_s.pdf|HW#7}}. * 11/27: {{courses:alg2023:hw9.pdf|HW#9}} due on 12/05. * 11/27: notes/slides for Dynamic Programming available. * 11/14: notes/slides for Basic Graph Algorithms revised. * 11/13: {{courses:alg2023:hw8.pdf|HW#8}} due on 11/28. * 11/11: notes/slides for Advanced Graph Algorithms available. * 11/08: {{courses:alg2023:hw7.pdf|HW#7}} due on 11/21. * 11/08: {{courses:alg2023:alg2023mid_s.pdf|Suggested Solutions to Midterm Problems}} available. * 11/07: notes/slides for Basic Graph Algorithms available. * 10/24: slides from TA sessions: {{courses:alg2023:alg2023hw3_s.pdf|HW#3}}, {{courses:alg2023:alg2023hw4_s.pdf|HW#4}}. * 10/22: {{courses:alg2023:hw6.pdf|HW#6}} due on 11/07. * 10/22: notes/slides for String Processing available. * 10/18: notes/slides for Searching and Sorting revised again. * 10/17: notes for Searching and Sorting revised. * 10/07: slides from TA sessions: {{courses:alg2023:alg2023hw1_s.pdf|HW#1}}, {{courses:alg2023:alg2023hw2_s.pdf|HW#2}}. * 10/05: {{courses:alg2023:hw5.pdf|HW#5}} due on 10/17. * 09/30: notes/slides for Searching and Sorting available. * 09/30: notes/slides for A Supplement to Data Structures available. * 09/23: {{courses:alg2023:hw4.pdf|HW#4}} due on 10/03. * 09/20: notes/slides for Design by Induction available. * 09/15: {{courses:alg2023:hw3.pdf|HW#3}} due on 09/26. * 09/15: notes/slides for Analysis of Algorithms available. * 09/11: {{courses:alg:old_exams.zip|old exams}}. * 09/08: {{courses:alg2023:hw2.pdf|HW#2}} due on 09/19. * 09/06: classroom changed to Room 305, Management Building 2. * 09/05: {{courses:alg2023:hw1.pdf|HW#1}} due on 09/12. * 09/05: notes/slides for Introduction and for Mathematical Induction available. * 08/29: this wiki site created to complement the NTU COOL site for this course. =====Instructor===== [[http://im.ntu.edu.tw/~tsay/|Yih-Kuen Tsay (蔡益坤)]], NTU IM Dept., 3366-1189, ''Xtsay@ntu.edu.twX'' (between the enclosing pair of X's). =====Lectures===== Tuesday 2:20~5:20PM, Room 305, Management Building 2. \\ TA sessions will be scheduled prior to some of the class meetings between 1:20 and 2:10PM; see the course schedule below. =====Office Hours===== Tuesday 1:30~2:00PM, Wednesday 1:30~2:00PM, or by appointment, Room 1108, Management Building 2. =====TAs===== Ling-Hsuan Chen (陳琳瑄), Xr11725020@ntu.edu.twX (between the enclosing pair of X's).\\ Yu-Ju Teng (鄧鈺儒), Xr11725044@ntu.edu.twX (between the enclosing pair of X's) =====Textbooks===== * [M] //[[http://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Algorithms-Creative-Udi-Manber/dp/0201120372/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1329702126&sr=1-1|Introduction to Algorithms - A Creative Approach]]//, U. Manber, Addison-Wesley, 1989. (Four copies of this book have been put on reserve at NTU Library in the 3F-Course Reserves area 教師指定參考書區 under 演算法(BM-4). Additionally, ten copies are available for loan; please contact one of the TAs.) * [C] //[[https://www.amazon.com/-/zh_TW/Introduction-Algorithms-fourth-Thomas-Cormen/dp/026204630X/ref=pd_vtp_h_pd_vtp_h_sccl_5/145-5889579-1108519?pd_rd_w=lVaBE&content-id=amzn1.sym.a5610dee-0db9-4ad9-a7a9-14285a430f83&pf_rd_p=a5610dee-0db9-4ad9-a7a9-14285a430f83&pf_rd_r=BNMB7X78PXC5PPY75C40&pd_rd_wg=XdiKJ&pd_rd_r=b403a0e6-d87d-478c-9665-e79ffba4607a&pd_rd_i=026204630X&psc=1|Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth Edition]]//, T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, and C. Stein, MIT Press, 2022. (開發圖書代理; one copy of this book has been put on reserve at NTU Library in the 3F-Course Reserves area 教師指定參考書區 under (FF-9).) =====Syllabus/Schedule (with links to notes/slides)===== We will try to cover most of Manber's book plus supplementary material, including a few chapters of the book by Cormen //et al.// (Note: a TA session will precede a class meeting whose date is marked with an *. There are six TA sessions on 09/19, 10/03, 10/24, 11/14, 11/28, and 12/12.) *Introduction [M: Ch. 1; C: Ch. 1,2] (.5 week: 09/05a) [{{courses:alg2023:ch1_notes.pdf|notes}}, {{courses:alg2023:ch1_slides.pdf|slides}}] *Mathematical Induction [M: Ch. 2; C: Ch. 4] (1.5 weeks: 09/05b, 09/12) [{{courses:alg2023:ch2_notes.pdf|notes}}, {{courses:alg2023:ch2_slides.pdf|slides}}] *Analysis of Algorithms [M: Ch. 3; C: Ch. 2,3,4] (1 week: 09/19*) [{{courses:alg2023:ch3_notes.pdf|notes}}, {{courses:alg2023:ch3_slides.pdf|slides}}] *Design by Induction [M: Ch. 5] (1 week: 09/26) [{{courses:alg2023:ch5_notes.pdf|notes}}, {{courses:alg2023:ch5_slides.pdf|slides}}] *Data Structures: A Supplement [M: Ch. 4; C: Ch. 6,13,19] (.5 week: 10/03a*) [{{courses:alg2023:ch4_notes.pdf|notes}}, {{courses:alg2023:ch4_slides.pdf|slides}}, {{courses:alg2023:ch4_slides_avl.pptx|Building an AVL Tree (Illustration)}}] *Searching and Sorting [M: Ch. 6; C: Ch. 6,7,8,9] (1.5 weeks: 10/03b, 10/17) [{{courses:alg2023:ch6_notes_a.pdf|notes}}, {{courses:alg2023:ch6_slides_a.pdf|slides}}, {{courses:alg2023:ch6_slides_heapsort.pptx|Heapsort (Illustration)}}, {{courses:alg2023:ch6_slides_heapbottomup.pptx|Bottom-Up Heap Building (Illustration)}}] *String Processing [M: Ch. 6; C: Ch. 32] (1 week: 10/24*) [{{courses:alg2023:ch6_notes_b.pdf|notes}}, {{courses:alg2023:ch6_slides_b.pdf|slides}}, {{courses:alg2023:ch6_slides_huffman.pptx|Construction of a Huffman Tree (Illustration)}}] * **Midterm** (**2023/10/31**) *Graph Algorithms: Basic [M: Ch. 7; C: Ch. 20,21,22,23] (1.5 weeks: 11/07, 11/14a*) [{{courses:alg2023:ch7_notes_a.pdf|notes}}, {{courses:alg2023:ch7_slides_a.pdf|slides}}, {{courses:alg2023:ch7_slides_dijkstras.pptx|Dijkstra's Algorithm (Illustration)}}, {{courses:alg2023:ch7_slides_mst.pptx|Prim's Algorithm (Illustration)}}] *Graph Algorithms: Advanced [M: Ch. 7; C: Ch. 20,24,25] (1.5 weeks: 11/14b, 11/21) [{{courses:alg2023:ch7_notes_b.pdf|notes}}, {{courses:alg2023:ch7_slides_b.pdf|slides}}, {{courses:alg2023:ch7_slides_scc.pptx|Computing SCCs (Illustration)}}] *Dynamic Programming [C: Ch.14] (1 week: 11/28*) [{{courses:alg2023:dynamic_prog_notes.pdf|notes}}, {{courses:alg2023:dynamic_prog_slides.pdf|slides}}] *Reduction [M: Ch. 10; C: Ch. 29] (.5 week: 12/05a) [{{courses:alg2023:ch10_notes.pdf|notes}}, {{courses:alg2023:ch10_slides.pdf|slides}}] *NP-Completeness [M: Ch. 11; C: Ch. 34] (1.5 weeks: 12/05b, 12/12*) [{{courses:alg2023:ch11_notes.pdf|notes}}, {{courses:alg2023:ch11_slides.pdf|slides}}] * **Final** (**2023/12/19**) =====Grading===== Homework/Quizzes 20%, Participation 10%, Midterm 35%, Final 35%. =====References===== * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_induction|Mathematical Induction]] (a Wikipedia page) * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structural_induction|Structural Induction]] (a Wikipedia page) * MIT OpenCourseWare: [[http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-006-introduction-to-algorithms-spring-2008/|Introduction to Algorithms]] * Stanford Coursera: [[https://www.coursera.org/specializations/algorithms|Algorithms]] * [[http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2093549&CFID=70582427&CFTOKEN=84470362|What is an Algorithm?]] (M.Y. Vardi, Communications of the ACM, Volume 55 Issue 3, March 2012) * [[https://www.toptal.com/developers/sorting-algorithms|Sorting Algorithms Animations]] * [[http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~skiena/combinatorica/animations/|Graph Animations with Combinatorica]] * [[http://www.claymath.org/sites/default/files/pvsnp.pdf|The P versus NP Problem]] (Stephen Cook) * The website of [[https://icpc.global|ICPC]] (International Collegiate Programming Contest)