The goal of this course is to acquaint the students with security issues in multi-user information systems and computer networks and to provide them with training in the fundamental techniques, particularly cryptography, for security and their applications in practical areas such as electronic commerce, network intrusion protection, and security management.
Yeali S. Sun (孫雅麗), Room 909, Management II, 3366-1195, (between the enclosing pair of X's);
Anthony J.T. Lee (李瑞庭), Room 705, Management II, 3366-1188, (between the enclosing pair of X's);
Yeong-Sung Lin (林永松), Room 808, Management II, 3366-1191, (between the enclosing pair of X's);
Yih-Kuen Tsay (蔡益坤), Room 1108, Management II, 3366-1189, (between the enclosing pair of X's).
Tuesday 2:20~5:20PM, Conference Room 2, College of Management, Building I (level 4)
To be announced by the instructors
Operating Systems and Computer Networks
We will study the design and underlying principles of automated tools for protecting information, including software and data, stored on computers or communicated over networks. The main focus will be on the fundamentals and applications of cryptographic technology. We will follow mainly the textbook of W. Stallings and enhance the contents with class notes and supplementary readings. or (up to 106.10; must have an account at for FTP; guest account available)
Midterm 35%, Final 35%, Homework 10%, Term Project 20%.