I am interested in applying economic modeling, optimization algorithms, and data analytics to study problems related to decision making. By using these tools, I study the impact of incentives and information in environments with complicated operations. The research findings may help one build decision support systems for decision optimization. Currently my works mainly lie in the following fields:
In our deparment, my students and I together run the Lab of Information Economics and Decision Optimization to study problems in the above fields. While we pursue academic contributions in theory, we always try to keep our research aligned with industry needs. Current major industry partners of our lab include:
All prospective graduate students who are interested in our lab are welcome to contact me or other lab members directly for more information. Undergraduate students are also welcome.
Unfortunately (?!), most of my works require some technical skills. To make yourselves comfortable in our lab, you must like (or at least, do not hate) mathematical programming, game-theoretic modeling, and/or data analytics. Typically that means you like subjects such as Operations Research, Algorithms, Probability, Statistics, and/or Game Theory. We do write programs; we do develop information systems. However, those are not the main focus in this lab. If you want to learn more in software engineering and system development, I regret that I really cannot help you.