
I am interested in applying economic modeling, optimization algorithms, and data analytics to study problems related to decision making. By using these tools, I study the impact of incentives and information in environments with complicated operations. The research findings may help one build decision support systems for decision optimization. Currently my works mainly lie in the following fields:

  • Multi-sided platforms.
  • Digital economy.
  • Supply chain and operations management.
  • Preventive maintenance.

In our deparment, my students and I together run the Lab of Information Economics and Decision Optimization to study problems in the above fields. While we pursue academic contributions in theory, we always try to keep our research aligned with industry needs. Current major industry partners of our lab include:

  • One panel manufacturer in Taiwan (preventive maintenance).
  • One airlines company in Taiwan (cause identification for flight safety events).
  • One pet suppliers retailer in Taiwan (coupon distribution, inventory management).
  • One ceiling fan manufacturer in Taiwan (order quantity forecasting).

All prospective graduate students who are interested in our lab are welcome to contact me or other lab members directly for more information. Undergraduate students are also welcome.

Unfortunately (?!), most of my works require some technical skills. To make yourselves comfortable in our lab, you must like (or at least, do not hate) mathematical programming, game-theoretic modeling, and/or data analytics. Typically that means you like subjects such as Operations Research, Algorithms, Probability, Statistics, and/or Game Theory. We do write programs; we do develop information systems. However, those are not the main focus in this lab. If you want to learn more in software engineering and system development, I regret that I really cannot help you.

  • Ming-Ju Hsieh*, Chung-Jung Lin, Yen-Heng Lin, Ling-Chieh Kung, Jiun-Yu Yu, Chia-Wei Kuo** (2024), "An optimization model for reducing thrombectomy center rotations while maintaining medical accessibility", Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, DOI: 10.1016/j.jfma.2024.04.007. Available from the publisher.

  • Yu-Hung Chen, Ling-Chieh Kung*, Chieh-Hsiang Hu, and Chieh-Yu Huang (2024), "Technology options and optimal pricing of a two-sided mobile payment platform", Journal of the Operational Research Society, DOI: 10.1080/01605682.2023.2274953. Available from the publisher.

  • Ling-Chieh Kung*, Jih-Sheng Chuang, Yun-Tung Kuo (2023), "Optimal allocation of capacitated facilities considering time-dependent user preference for user number maximization", NTU Management Review, 33(3): 1-34. Available from the publisher and SSRN.

  • Po-Han Chien, Ling-Chieh Kung* (2023), "Optimal advertorial allocation and contract design of a multichannel networks company on video sharing platforms", NTU Management Review, 33(2): 1-36. Available from the publisher and SSRN.

  • Cheng-Nan Kang, Ling-Chieh Kung*, Po-Hsuan Chiang, and Jiun-Yu Yu (2023), "A service facility location problem considering customer preference and facility capacity", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 177, 109070. Available from the publisher and ResearchGate.

  • Chia-Ning Chiu*, Ling-Chieh Kung, Pei-Yu Sun (2022), "Does ticket sales information disclosure affect speed of ticket sales?" International Journal of Market Research, 65(4) 484-503. Available from the publisher.

  • Ling-Chieh Kung* and Zih-Yun Liao (2022), "Optimization for a joint predictive maintenance and job scheduling problem with endogenous yield rates", IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 19(3), 1555-1566. Available from the publisher or SSRN.

  • Te-Wei Ho, Ling-Chieh Kung*, Hsin-Ya Huang, Jui-Fen Lai, Han-Mo Chiu (2021), "Overbooking for physical examination considering late cancellation and set-resource relationship", BMC Health Service Research, 21(1) 1254. Available from the publisher.

  • Yu-Hung Chen*, Ling-Chieh Kung, Jiun-Yu Yu, Hsin-Jung Tsai, and Yu Jen Wang (2021), "Impact of management models on revenue sharing for signaling medical equipment reliability", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 73(6) 1379-1392. Available from the publisher.

  • Cheng-Yuan (Kevin) Cheng* and Ling-Chieh Kung (2019), "Evaluation of innovation risk through patent risk factors: an empirical approach", Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, 9(4) 414-429. Available from the publisher.

  • Ling-Chieh Kung* and Wei-Hung Liao (2018), "An approximation algorithm for a competitive facility location problem with network effects", European Journal of Operational Research, 267(1) 176-186. Available from the publisher or SSRN.

  • Ling-Chieh Kung* and Guan-Yu Zhong (2017), "The optimal pricing strategy for two-sided platform delivery in the sharing economy", Transportation Research Part E, 101 1-12. Available from the publisher or SSRN.

  • Ling-Chieh Kung* and Zong-Ting Chen (2016), "Price negotiation for taxi services under private customer urgency", International Journal of Operations Research, 13(4) 153-163. Available from the publisher.

  • Ling-Chieh Kung* and Ying-Ju Chen (2014), "Impact of reseller's and sales agent's forecasting accuracy in a multilayer supply chain", Naval Research Logistics 61(3) 207-222. Available from the publisher or SSRN.

  • Ling-Chieh Kung and Ying-Ju Chen* (2012), "The resource allocation problem for demand forecasting and performance measurement", Operations Research Letters 40(1) 61-68. Available from the publisher or SSRN.

  • Ling-Chieh Kung and Ying-Ju Chen* (2011), "Monitoring the market or the salesperson? The value of information in a multi-layer supply chain", Naval Research Logistics 58(8) 743-762. Available from the publisher or SSRN.
    * This paper received the 2014 Harold W. Kuhn Award as an exceptional paper published in NRL during 2011-2013.

  • Ling-Chieh Kung and Ching-Chin Chern* (2009), "Heuristic factory planning algorithm for advanced planning and scheduling", Computers and Operations Research 36(9) 2513-2530. Available from the publisher.